Must Have. Delicate & Dainty - TIMI Accessories

I may be bold and brash on the rare occasion, but for the most part I think I'm definitely a delicate and dainty girl - a taste for the finer things, feminine style and a kind spirit all come with the territory. How we dress most certainly reflects our personality and I for one think I am a true representation; fashion wise - what you see is what you get. For me this equals creamy palettes, flowing shapes, high heels and delicate jewels.

Living here in Europe has really complimented my style - there are so many different brands here to cater to your look. Honestly the choices are endless [don't tell anyone but is it sacrilege to say I think there's too many!?]. That's why when I come across one I truly like I get a warm fuzzy [stylish] feeling. Meet my latest style crush - TIMI Accessories. Say hello to delicate jewels, whimsical designs and the integration of one of my true loves - animals. I'm in raptures over these two little neck pieces - perfect for autumn style.

The squirrel is in the acorn - isn't that the cutest thing? You'll find me squirrelling away in the London autumn leaves.

This was a sponsored post courtesy of TIMI Accessories.

Photos by Krissie.
